Saturday, April 26, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

I have been tagged by Heidi Lee.

Here are 6 random things about yourself that are a little quirky or unusual.
Tag 3 other people and let them now that they have been tagged.

  1. I have memorized all my major credit card numbers. I have to say that I never realized that I had most of them memorized until I was at the Home Depot one day and I was trying to return something. I had forgot my purse at home with the receipt. Well Home Depot is pretty good about returns and if you do not have your receipt they will look it up if you have your credit card. I knew that I had used the one credit card to purchase the tool so I asked her "If I do not have the credit card but I know the number can you look it up still?" Well yes she could I told her the number and the tool was returned. She was impressed and honestly so was I.
  2. Any thing hot! I love to eat anything that is really hot. I put hot sauce on everything. I love hot peppers and have been known to eat a whole jar and not shed a tear. Gerard eats peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and I have peanut butter and hot pepper sandwiches. Yum.
  3. I have a phobia of new upholstered furniture. When I bought my first house I was 20 years old. Of course I wanted new furniture to fill the rooms so I went to a very nice furniture store and purchased a living room set. The day before the furniture was delivered I fell out of my bed and broke my foot. (Yes I was alone in the bed pre-Dottie years) The furniture was delivered and I was sitting on the new chair with my foot up and hurting after a couple of minutes hoards of mice started coming out of the couch. I could not move fast (Broken foot and all). This freaked me out. I returned the furniture and we lived with 6 all wood dining room chairs for about 3 years. Now I pull any new furniture apart before I sign for it to check for mouse droppings.
  4. I mow random patterns in the lawn. I love to mow the lawn but it usually starts out as a crop circle. Once you are finished it all looks the same so it does not bother me but Gerard saw me do this and he freaked out. He has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder diagnosed by me of course. He never realized that was how I mow the grass. He is a little bit like Monk on TV with things being even. I personal think it is a hoot. I love to tell him that children are more like me then him. He just shakes his head.
  5. I love to gamble. I love to play craps. I really thing it is because I love statistics and probability more then the losing of money. It is really funny because usually it is me and 15 older men who are 65 and up playing.
  6. My weakness is McDonald's chocolate chip cookies. I love them. No other chocolate chip compares. I would rather have one of these cookies then any other cookie.

    Stacy, Teresa and Christine tag your it!


Kevin T. said...

Hi Joy! Thanks for tagging - Funny, it was hard to think of things at first, but then I was on a roll and I probably could have listed another 20 weirder things about myself. I have to try those McDonalds chocolate chips!!
Hope you are having a great weekend! Teresa

Mike and Heidi Lee said...

I love craps, too!! It is so fun, but I haven't played in years!

junglemama said...

Oh my, 3X?
How funny! Thanks for sharing!

Jane and Jim said...

That's so scary about the mice! Yikes I would be like you and not buy any furniture for a LONG time!