As you all can tell from the topics of the last couple of posts I broke out the box of concern many weeks ago about the lost of my tracking ticket for the I-600. Okay before you all flip to the next blog and say enough already I have some good news. The receipt for the I-600 came from the Department of Homeland Security TODAY.
As most of you know I work the night shift because of that I sleep after I work 3 days per week. I swear that my neighbors or anyone who happens to drive by or call on the telephone must think look at that lazy girl. I just know people think "She is always in her nightgown" or worst "That poor man he works 2 jobs so that she can sleep all day what a shame." After almost 10 years on the night shift I have gotten over it and actually think it is funny.
I almost never answer my house telephone because I mostly keep it turned off (except in one room on the other side of the house). I use my cell phone for most of my personal calls. I usually keep my cell phone on when I sleep anyone who has the number knows not to ever call me before noon unless I call them first. Know this is getting long but bare with me.
Today I turned off my cell phone to completely recharge it I know that is very mean. I slept perfectly (I have not been sleeping well during the day lately). I was awakened by Dottie. Yes that beautiful spotted dog in the picture. Anyone who knows Dottie knows that she refuses to be ignored. She stands on the bed barking and touching me gently with her paw. I woke up to find the reason why she waking me up was that the mailman was coming down the block. I think even she realizes that I am stalking the mailman. So I waited inside because I am sure that he has taken out an order of protection (Just kidding).
I walk to the mailbox and start flipping through the mail. I am thinking great here is my car payment, even better the gas bill, the life insurance bill and then I notice another letter. I felt like I was holding the Holy Grail. The letter from the Department of Homeland Security has arrived. Angels started singing, the clouds became puffy and the sun felt so warm (I live in the northeast). Actually none of that happened but any who. They got my I-600 and they are no longer keeping it a secret. A weight was lifted right at the point in time when I needed it the most. I have been so distraught over this and now I can breath. I am not too much a paper freak right (Don't answer that).
I know God will take care of me. This is his plan not mine. When the time is right I will get a referral and not a minute sooner. I am okay with that so far and I am not questioning any of that (Yet). I feel we all have lessons to learn and teach while here on this earth. Patience or trust must be what I need to learn more of before the baby comes.
School Days - August - December 2024
2 months ago